BOOKS > Make Quilt In A Day Log Cabin 6th Edition BOOK
Make Quilt In A Day Log Cabin 6th Edition BOOK
From Quilt In A Day
By Burns, Eleanor
In Quilting
DESCRIPTION Eleanor's love for log cabin quilts continues in her sixth edition of Make a Quilt in a Day Log Cabin Pattern. This complete overhaul is bursting with new ideas and full-color photographs. The timeless, innovative method of assembly-line sewing is still included but has been expanded to include an all-new Log Cabin Ruler for cutting perfect logs, detailed instructions for using pre-cut 2½¿ strips, Accuquilt instructions and much more! Eleanor hopes, "you enjoy making Log Cabin quilts through the years... Focus on the light side of life! Remember, a little bit of dark reminds you of how wonderful the light side is."